The Lice Programming Language

Lice is a simple programming language designed to be embeddable inside any OCaml application. The package is shipped with a command line interpreter that can be used to run Lice scripts: licec and a library that can be used to embed Lice in your OCaml application: Lice.

Table of contents:

Installing Lice

There are two main ways of installing Lice:


In order to build Lice, you'll need the following OCaml libraries and software:

Building from source

The main Lice repository is hosted on the Github platform here: To download the sources, you can either download the latest release of Lice or clone the repository using the following command:

git clone

Once downloaded, you can build the project using the following commands:

cd Lice && dune build --profile release

Using opam

Lice is also available as an opam package. To install it, you can use the following command:

opam install lice

This will install all the required dependencies and the Lice library on your system.

API Documentation

To see the developer API documentation for Lice, you can visit the following link: here.